Hi StitchyMites and happy Wednesday to you.
Everything is busy busy and lots of laughs around here! Tula has arrived and we are busy in the studio, filming the Big Woods videos and rummaging through my stash and talking non stop and eating TimTams. We have lots of work to do, but we also want to spend a lot of time stitching together, and I also want her to see a little of where I live and our beautiful beaches. We have been out to dinner and some of my favourite places, eaten lots of beautiful Sydney seafood and done some excellent shopping too! Its always such fun spending time with your best mates but T and I have talked about this visit for such a long time so having it actually happen is just crazy!
We are having a LOT of fun.
We filmed a kit unboxing video for Big Woods, which is on social media but we attached it here for you in case you aren't on there ( I know quite a few of you aren't). We also filmed a little "this is what we have been up to" video which will be released publicly next week, but you guys get to see it today! And we filmed a special StitchyMites video just for you. I hope you enjoy seeing a little of our madness, and if you want to say hi to Tula you can drop a comment below!
Have a great week everyone.
Sarah xx