Yep, all day. I’m having one of Those Days today. As always, I have a lot to do, but I can’t quite find the mojo to do it. When I feel like this I usually distract myself for a little while by doing something I want to do, and then getting back to it - maybe a little bit of stitching that isn’t for work, reading a chapter of my book, going out for a coffee. Today I’ve been to the gym, but it isn’t cutting the mustard. I am really, very much just Over It.

Or perhaps not. :D
Let’s talk about the fun stuff shall we? I’m reading a good book. It’s called Chain-Gang All-Stars, by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah. It was recommended to me by my son Charlie, who loves a bit of dystopian fiction. If you’re into things set in alternate universes, this one is for you - it’s pretty gory in parts and has a pretty bleak outlook -
Chain-Gang All-Stars is a feat of world-building and Juvenalian satire that is also an indictment: a TV-ready adventure story about reality television, America's unquenchable thirst for violence, and the retributive means of torture and racial-class control cruelly euphemized as “the justice system.”
Cheerful. I’m weirdly enjoying it though, the characters are likeable and compelling, and I want to know what happens to them. If you decide to try it, stick the first chapter or so out - it was a little confusing to follow at first but it solves itself.

I’ve been working on my Tipping Point quilt a little but I’ve only done one more round, so I’ll wait until next week to show you progress. If you watch Tula’s Tuesday video this week, you’ll see hers lurking on her design wall in the background! I have been stitching a lot though, mainly because I have another project due and under deadline :)
The last one was for Aurifil Thread Labs, which has been released now I can show it to you! If you don’t know about Thread Labs, its such fun program - you can read all about it here
And there are quite a few shops that still have their signups for boxes open. My project is called Heartbeat, and focusses on hand appliqué and hand quilting (surprise!)

I’m quite pleased with it, its a cutie and fun to stitch.
The next one is for a shop in the UK called Alice Caroline, who specialise in Liberty Fabrics. They are having a Christmas Festival, where different designers have designed projects using the new Liberty Christmas fabrics that were just released. I’m making a little something for it, and doing a video tutorial etc - but my fabrics took a while to get here from the UK so as usual I am playing a little bit of catchup, as the project, video and pattern are all due September 23! Why do I do this to myself :) I can’t show you the project yet but I can show you the Christmas fabrics, they’re lovely.

Anyway I have procrastinated long enough chatting to you all…. I hope you have a lovely Wednesday and that yours is better than mine! Take care Smites and find that silver lining :)
Sarah x