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Results found for "down the rabbit hole"

  • BOM Quilt Hanging Competition now open

    www.sarahfielkeblockofmonth.com/happy-days-quilt-competition.html , https://www.sarahfielkeblockofmonth.com/down-the-rabbit-hole-quilt-competition.html include how you would like your name listed - some people prefer just their first name, some their whole

  • Onwards

    She came from Lille and met us in Paris and we had such a fun few days, with our very own French speaking about her, but a few of the google searches I found said she was known for her textiles - I went off down the rabbit hole to find some, but couldn't. I hope you're enjoying seeing a little of what has inspired me over the trip... there's still Versailles

  • Week 1 - Spooky Town

    The first four weeks of StitchyMites posts will be for the Tiny Town/Spooky Town sew along, and after Your second little freebie is the pattern for the Halloween add on to my Tiny Town quilt pattern. the Spooky Town quilt. Town pattern, or in the template set. The lettering in my Spooky Town quilt is a fabric I designed myself.

  • Tiny Town Sew Along Week 3

    Have you all been sewing those houses down? I hope so, because it’s time to start making some trees. Once you have everything in place and glued down (https://www.sarahfielke.com/products/liquid-applique-glue listed in the material requirements to draw the line onto the FRONT of the fabric, then glue the piece down StitchyMites will also be receiving some extra Spooky Town tips and tricks.

  • Hooray! The Tiny Town Sew Along

    The Tiny Town Sew Along that so many of you have asked me for since the pattern released begins this The one thing that you do need is buy the Tiny Town pattern - you can do that here, in either PDF or The Sew Along is for the original Tiny Town quilt layout, but theres also an option for a small, door You’ll be able to choose wether to spell out Spooky Town, Halloween, Trick or Treat or BOO! I hope you’ll stitch along with me peeps! This is such a fun and addictive little quilt.

  • Tiny Town Sew Along Week 2

    I hope you’ve all had fun cutting houses and sewing them into rows! them is the correct size to insert your tree or dog (or ghost or tombstone if you’re making Spooky Town Once you have everything in place and glued down (I use liquid applique glue, which is available at my StitchyMites will also be receiving some extra Spooky Town tips and tricks.

  • Tiny Town Sew Along Final Week

    Its not enough to make the whole quilt but it certainly gives you some extra options. I hand quilted Tiny Town and I’m also hand quilting Spooky Town. inside the seams of the strips on the white side of the fabric, rather than on the black, as that’s the down I hope you’ve enjoyed making your little town!! I hope you decide to come and play again at Christmas! Happy stitching Sarah

  • Tiny Town Sew Along Week 1

    I hope you’re all ready for a load of cute little houses and trees. The Tiny Town sew along is for anyone who would like to make the Tiny Town quilt! The first part of the Tiny Town quilt is to make all your houses! pattern (and the different sizes and groups in the Spooky Town add on). In order to be ready to sew down your rows of houses next Wednesday, all you need is ONE set of houses

  • Week 3 - Spooky Town continues and special discount on class

    Hello there StitchyMites, I hope your Wednesday is shaping up to be grand. This week we’re continuing with our Spooky Town stitching. You will also find on the Tiny Town Sew Along blog (on the free section of the website, before you log This week for Spooky Town we are going to start sewing some ghosts! Don’t forget that discount code, and also that the Spooky Town pattern is a free download for StitchyMites

  • Week 2 - More Spooky Town, video and exciting BOM news

    I hope you all enjoyed your first week as a member :) Tell your friends! There’s so much going on in my world at the moment… StitchyMites, the Tiny Town Sew Along, finishing instead of the 4 1/2” for Tiny Town, so that we end up with the smaller, wallhanging size quilt. Also I didn’t mention in the video last week that the Spooky Town houses have the 1/4” seam of fabric off the bottom of them, instead of for Tiny Town where they are cut off level with the papers.

  • Running up to Christmas

    The colours are just gorgeous, and I know theres only a couple left so be quick like rabbits to grab thestrawberrythief.com.au/product/stop-thief-2024-bom-fabric-bundle/ As always with my BOMs though, you can ​use your own I do hope that you'll join me to stitch in 2024. Big Woods Block of Month Stop, Thief! Happy stitching peeps, and I hope I'm going to see you in one of my BOMs, or both! in 2024.

  • Window Pouch Tutorial

    She says hello to you all and hopes you enjoy the zipper pouch. I hope you have fun making it, and filling it. Center the zipper over the top face up, and then place the window panel face down on the top, lining Lay the other window piece face down on top and clip together. Stitch using your zipper foot. care to poke the corners and edges out nice and flat using a chop stick or a blunt pencil through the hole

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